So today i wore a skirt cause shannon asked me to wear one with her so she wont feel lonesome. I told Dustin not to flip it up a million times like he did last time and he got mad and thought i was in a bad mood when really it was him.. is it so much to ask to not shank me in the middle of school? i dont think so.. GIR.. so now hes basically been in a bad mood all day so far english: read julius caesar science: were doing more bookwork, last time we did bookwork all class and i thought i was gonna die by the end. lalala. im hyper, i dont no why.. its 85 outside!!!!! 85!!! it makes me happy! gotta go mrs culp is checking for definitions gym: walked around the track a couple times lunch: nothing special directed study: went to mr babers class and took a 27 weeks test and i had to sit next to liz lol, coincedence? lalallalalalalala soo. the bells gonna ring in 5 minutes, theres this kid in this class named steven and he pulled his pants all the way up to his chest and pulled his socks up to his knees over his pants and has glasses on and stuff and it reminds me of annas brother.. stteeeeb lmao. stebo.
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ok... whew...

it was a conversation between me and seth and he told me a lot of things that he made me promise not to tell you or dusin or anyone else and i saved the convo and it ended up messing up and being a private entry and brittany read it and left me a comment and i saw it this morning and just started freaking out because it's not rele a conversation i wanted out in the open... and now i'm rambling so write me back.
♥ me
***it messed up and was a public entry
uugh i hate skirts..