Ok its 8:46, beginning of the day, and theres no one on sitdiary! its so freaky. before i logged on it said:
Active Users
i've never seen that before.
and then i logged on and i felt so lonely:
Active Users
onceoponatym 5:55am
only me.. in the whole online world. freaky.
anyways, were about to go to the library to print our research papers and all..
Brandon isnt here =( he keeps me entertained and he brings giant boxes of cheezits and we party. But he isnt here, hes in florida. lol.
ok well im leavin, byes
Biology we just worked on our wildlife journals some, and then we spent like 10 minutes on our sol project.
I got to eat A lunch because were gonna start having gym everyday now, so today was the last day of health and we were gonna watch remember the titans. So lunch was pretty fun, just hung out with everyone.
So now im in art for B lunch and im putting my blink182 music video i made into mr oneals dropbox so he can grade it. well bye
yea that's happened to me too.
tho after i signed in, there was another person online. i was like fuck. i wanted to be alone.
well l8er