I AM: creative
I ALWAYS: randomly burst into laughter
I AM NOT: good at spanish
I AM TIRED OF: over analyzing things
I BREATHE: to keep alive..
I CARE: about my friends and family
I CRAVE: the truth
I CRY: over stupid crap
I DREAM: of the weirdest things known to man
I FIGHT: for hope of tomorrow's lies
I GIVE: people advice alot, even if its bad
I HATE: people who lie and break promises
I HAVE: the best friends and the best boyfriend
I HOPE: this summer wont be a waste
I KNOW: i overreact about stupid stuff
I LOVE: dustin
I MISS: my dad, new york
I PLAY: my music way too loud
I REGRET: all the mistakes i made
I SAY: whats on my mind
I SING: really bad, but i do it anyways
I THINK: wayy to much
I WAIT: for answers
I WANT: to swim
I WANT TO BE: successful
I WILL ALWAYS: love dustin
I WONDER: about a lot of things i shouldnt
Those were good times. Io still laugh about the times we were in Reppert's class and we would look up after we had sent a message. And our stalking days.
I will go and tell her now.