
Feeling: accomplished
I don't do these very often ... but ... LAYER ONE: -- Name: Melissa DeAnn Goodall -- Birth date: May 3, 1982 (Seth and I are twins! No, not really, but it's fun to say.) -- Birthplace: Ohio County Hospital, KY -- Current Location: Owensboro, KY, in my apartment, near campus, in my room, in my chair, typing on a computer ... -- Eye Color: blue-grey-hazel. Even the lady at the DMV wasn't sure what to put on my license. Chameleon isn't an option there, it seems. -- Hair Color: Too dark. It's supposed to be dark brown, but right now it's black ... ish with brown roots because, apparently, someone used the wrong dye on my hair. I'm working on it ... -- Height: 5'8" -- Righty or Lefty: Write and eat with the right, for most everyting else, I'm a South Paw. I can write backwards and upside-down clearly with my left hand, though. I always liked to believe it should be called Refty - because hands should be a joint effort, you know? -- Zodiac Sign: Taurus LAYER TWO: -- Your heritage: William the Conqueror is an ancestor of mine. I dare say I am an actual descendent of the man. Small world, though. Lots of people are. I'm Dutch, English, Irish, Scottish, German, Cherokee ... all-around American mutt. -- The shoes you wore today: Shoes? What are "shoes?" I prefer socks. ... yeah, I haven't really had to go anywhere yet today. -- Your weakness: Too generous. I can't say "no", care too mcuh about people's feelings. That, and procrastination - which is what I'm doing right now. -- Your fears: Silence. Complete Silence. Being alone, being buried alive, and this nation falling ito ignorance. I fear intimacy, too, now that I think about it. It's called the Hedgehod Dilemma. Ask me about it some time. -- Goal you'd like to achieve: Graduating with honors; the erradication of my procrastination; meeting ... "certain" people; getting silverchair to perform here in Owensboro (OH wait, you meant REALISTIC goals). My students all loving me. And making enough money to pay my parents back for college. LAYER THREE: -- Your most overused phrase on AIM: "Uhm ..." "Yeah ..." and "I loveth thee!" -- Your thoughts first waking up: "No ..." *sigh* "Do I have time to take a nap today?" or "Do I have enough excused absences to miss class today?" -- Your best physical feature: Eyes -- Your bedtime: Oh please ... I'm a college student. -- Your most missed memory: Childhood. I think I was in too much of a hurry to grow up. LAYER FOUR: -- Pepsi or Coke: Jones ... or ... RC, I guess. Geez, don't people know that there's more out there than just Pepsi and Coke? Honestly. -- McDonald's or Burger King: I don't know. I never have time to eat out anymore. When I do, I usually go to Steak 'N' Shake (Shake my Steak). -- Single or group dates: Wouldn't know, haven't been on one of either. -- Adidas or Nike: Honestly, there's more out there than these two options. *sigh* Easy Spirit. -- Lipton Ice Tea or Nestea: Uhm, Lipton, I guess. Never tried the other stuff. -- Chocolate or vanilla: Chocolate! You HAVE to ask?! -- Cappuccino or coffee: Cappuccino. Coffee is black and I don't like black coffee. I know, Kevin, I'm a food racist, but seriously, isn't coffee just black? Coffee with anything else in it has its own name, right? LAYER FIVE: -- Smoke: I don't inhale. Seirously, I just puff. Plus, you know, I've only had one cigarette in my life ... (thanks a LOT, Meredith ... idy). But the answer is no. I don't. It's bad for the pipes. -- Cuss: Yes. (insert witty remark here) -- Sing: Yes, at random and professionally. -- Take a shower everyday: Generally. Unless my schedule gets fucked up by something spontaneous. -- Have a crush: Yes -- Do you think you've been in love: Not yet. -- Want to go to college: Must have, considering that's where I am. -- Like(d) high school: It was ... shaping. -- Want to get married: Yes, eventually, but not right now. Too much to do before I even think about marriage. -- Believe in yourself: Most of the time. Usually, I'm a very confident individual. -- Get motion sickness: If there's lots of curves, crampedness, and lack of window/air - and/or I'm reading in the car. -- Think you're attractive: This is a tough one to answer. Does it mean physically or personality-wise? Personality-wise I believe that I am quite the charmer, which would explain why I have so many friends and casual aquaintances. Physically? I'm ... attractive, yeah. Not perfect, though. But perfection is not attainable, so I am kind of happy with how I look. My eyes and voice are my main features, though. -- Think you're a health freak: No, but I do try to eat right sometimes. -- Get along with your parent(s): Exceptionally well. -- Like thunderstorms: Love them. -- Play an instrument: Pretty mcuh everything Seth said. Piano, flute, piccolo, bass guitar, a little acoustic guitar, harmonica, all percussion in the orchestral pit (including xylophones, marimbas, chimes, gongs, cymbals, tympanis, etc), vocal chords, spoons (learned it in 4-H), recorder, fife, kazoo … and now I can play autoharp, handbells, harpsichord, the pipe organ and ... yeah ... guess what I plan on teaching. LAYER SIX: In the past month... -- Drank alcohol: Yes, my frist real drink. It was very ... minty. -- Smoked: No. -- Done a drug: If alcohol counts as a drug, yes. -- Had Sex: Not to my knowledge. -- Made Out: Not to my knowledge. -- Gone on a date: Date? Never gone on one. What is that? -- Gone to the mall?: Actually ... no, I haven't. Weird, huh? -- Eaten an entire box of Oreos: No -- Eaten sushi: No. -- Been on stage: Yes -- Been dumped: No. -- Gone skating: No, but I plan to soon. The Ice Rink's opened up!!! -- Made homemade cookies: Yes -- Gone skinny dipping: In the bathtub. -- Dyed your hair: Yes, unfortunately. -- Stolen anything: This quiz from QuietSeth's diaries. LAYER SEVEN: Ever... -- Played a game that required removal of clothing: Yes -- If so, was it mixed company: Yes -- Been trashed or extremely intoxicated: No -- Been caught "doing something": What do you mean? -- Been called a tease: In friendly conversation -- Gotten beaten up: No -- Shoplifted: Once. Won't do it again, it ate at my moral fiber and gave my conscience really bad diarrhea. -- Changed who you were to fit in: No. LAYER EIGHT: -- Age you hope to be married: Well, when I am still capable of bearing children, I guess. -- Numbers and Names of Children: Uhm ... I think I'll figure that out when I have them. Don't count your children before they're hatched. -- Describe your Dream Wedding: I can't. I haven't even really thought about marriage, much less my dream wedding. -- How do you want to die: Without suffering. this is a reather out of the blue question, don't you think? -- Where you want to go to college: Kentucky Wesleyan College, Owensboro, KY -- What do you want to be when you grow up: What are you talking about? I'm Peter Pan! I'll never grow up! Actually, an elementary teacher and/or voice actor, And, I'd really like to stick with the whole DJ thing. -- What country would you most like to visit: Either the UK or Canada (Canadia as my friends so lovingly call it.) LAYER NINE: In a guy/girl.. -- Best eye color? Should I even be filling out this part? Normally, I don't care, but I guess I could be conceited for a while and answer these questions. Hmm ... eye color. Hmm ... I'd like to meet a guy with eyes like mine. Now that would be interesting. -- Best hair color? Hmm ... I like it dark. Light's good, too, though. I'm not picky about hair color. -- Short or long hair: I'd like there to be something I could grab on to. It doesn't necessarily have to be long long long long long, but some bald guys are really cool, too. -- height: at least as tall as me, I guess. I don't really have a preference ... unless they come up to my waist. Sorry to sound conceited, but that just bothers me a little. -- Best weight: Isn't it more about size now rather than weight? Because all I really carea bout is if we fit into each other's arms. -- Best articles of clothing: This matters? Uhm ... I like sweaters and jackets, I guess. I don't know. Silly questions. -- Best first date location: Wherever -- Best first kiss location: Wherever LAYER TEN: -- # of drugs taken illegally: None -- # of people I could trust with my life: Excluding my immediate family? One. -- # of CDs that I own: Please, I'm a DJ. The supply is immeasureable. -- # of piercings: Two. One in each ear that I got when I was five or six. They've closed since then; I haven't worn earrings since 2nd grade. -- # of tattoos: None. I don't know if I could ever go through with it. -- # of scars on my body: Seven -- # of things in my past that I regret: Remorse shapes us - because we learn from mistakes. But mistakes don't mean a thing if you don't regret them.
Read 5 comments
EDEN!! It is aboslutely one of my favorite songs! I also adore Hooverphonics version..that is..if its the same eden I'm thinking of..
"did you ever think of me as your best friend? Did I ever think of you..I'm not complaining.." if it it for Seth..I've been wanting him to hear it.
cool diary you have here, will love to hear more from ya, thanks for the comment =)
thanks. love the diary colors by the way
I stole this from you.
Hrm, can I steal this from you? lol, cool colours... I'm sort of blind -lost my glasses- so it's sort of hard to read people's entries, because of the small letters. but yah... cool colours and yup... :-D