Listening to: Me slurping on a Cherry Icee
Feeling: content
So ...
On my "day off" from feeling so sick, I thought that it might do me some good to wander about the town, change of scenery from "work to house to work to house" ... you know, something different.
So I went to Fantasy Limited - a comic book store that I hadn't been to in almost a year. Jeff, the owner, was rather surprised to see me. See, Shelley and I used to go there every Thursday my first three years of college, but after that, I became a rather scarce visitor due to working so much and being overloaded with classes.
So I looked at what he had. He asked if I still had my obsession with Neil Gaiman ... well, of course I do. So he showed me his collection of figurines ... I soooooo want a Daniel. SO BAD! And he had this totally awesome bustof Delirium that I would have killed for, but alas, I'm poor.
But then he showed me something even better - Smoke and Mirrors ... a collection of Gaiman's stories ... and viola! I was happy. Needless to say, I got that. Along with a copy of I Feel Sick which was rather pleased to find since the Hot Topic here has been sold out pretty much since its release. I haven't read it, yet. I'm going to save it for a rainy day. I noticed that it's in color, though ... which, to me, is different because I'm used to reading Jhonen's stuff in black and white. But hey! It looks pretty.
It was nice to hang out with Jeff the Comic guy and talk about his various collection of Sandman stuff. I still covet his Key to Hell and Dream/Daniel bookends. Maybe someday, when I'm a big-time voice actress or author, I'll be able to afford such useless luxuries.
I'm actually rather fond of aquiring books. They give me something better than materialistic value - you see, I enjoy the theatre of my mind.
Which is why I have quite an extensive collection of books ... and why my own novel series will probably never be finished because I keep adding more and more ...
... and more ... and more ... and more ... and more ...

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