Listening to: Finger Eleven
Feeling: chipper
Okay. It's been a while ... a long while, but a while nonetheless. Anyway, I've been playing with my brother's digital camera, so I'll have some new pictures of me appearing soonly. Damn ... it really has been a long time. Well, school's started up again, so I'll be updating a bit more often. I've decided to do some kind of info thingy that some friends put together for me last week in class. We all had to do some interviews of each other and take as much information about the person as possible, and so this is what they came up with. Name: Melissa DeAnn Goodall Birthdate: May 3, 1982 Horoscope sign: Taurus Birthplace: Ohio County Hospital, Hartford, Kentucky Siblings: older brother Darren Hair: Dark brown Eyes: Blue/hazel Top Ten Favorite Albums 1. The Beatles - White Album 2. Silverchair - Freak Show 3. Silverchair - Neon Ballroom 4. Nirvana - In Utero 5. NIN - The Downward Spiral 6. The Cranberries - No Need to Argue 7. Loreena McKinnett - Book of Secrets 8. Carl Orff - Carmina Burana 9. Radiohead - OK Computer 10. Tori Amos - Little Earthquakes Top 5 Female Singers 1. Loreena McKinnett 2. Patsy Cline 3. Bjork 4. Delores O'Roirdan 5. Shirley Manson Top 5 Male Singers 1. John Lennon 2. Daniel Johns 3. Chester Bennington 4. Trent Reznor 5. Thom Yorke *She has a black cat named Phantom whom she views as her "familiar." He follows her everywhere and knows how to use the toilet. *Her cat Charlie can fetch. *Two of her favorite movies are The Nightmare Before Christmas and Willie Wonka and the Chocolate Factory. *Her favorite fast food restaurant is Wendy's. She claims they have "the best fries in the world" and likes to dip them in her frosty. *She still has aspirations to be a UN ambassador. *She watches Law & Order almost religiously. Her favorite character is Detective Lenny Benson because of his wise-cracking. *Her favorite Star Trek: The Next Generation character is Data. *Her favorite Degrassi character is Caitlin. *Her favorite Degrassi: The Next Generation character is Ashley. *Her favorite Radio Free Roscoe character is Travis/Smog. *Her ideal vacation spot is Cumberland Forest. *She loves learning about gemstones and their healing properties. *Her favorite composer is Chopin. *Her favorite food is chicken and dumplings. *Spiff's first crush was embarassingly Number Johnny 5 from Short Circuit. *Her weakness is Munchies Kid's Mix. *Spiff doesn't have just one favorite movie because there are too many to choose from, but she does enjoy Tim Burton and the Godfather Triology. *She admits to liking Hanson, having the first album memorized (harmonies and all), can play four songs on the piano, and is not ashamed. *Her favorite holiday is Halloween/Samhain. *She and a high school friend invented a spaztic wolrd-domination-driven alien named Bob who has a stupid sidekick named #ABCDEFG. *She's known to randomly quote Family Guy and Foamy the Foul-mouthed Squirrel. *Her time is the early 1900's - the era of Sherlock Holmes - because people were so much more proper and gentle then. *One thing she would bring with her on a deserted island would be iced tea ... and lots of it. *Melissa hates sauerkraut, but can read German fluently. *She has a slight obsession with Jhonen Vasquez - his writing, comics, and artwork. *Her favorite actress is Jodie Foster. *Her favorite actor is Brad Pitt. *She likes reading Chuck Palahnuik and J.K. Rowling. *She watches anime. *She adores Kaori Yuki's art. *She loves her hat collection. *She can play almost any instrument if given enough time. *She loves rocking chairs. *One of her favorite writer/directors is M. Night Shaylaman. *She also likes David Lynch. *She has a poster of Stanley Kubrick's A Clockwork Orange in Japanese hanging in her room. *The first album she ever bought was Silverchair's Frogstomp. *The first album she ever owned was a New Kids on the Block tape - she doesn't remember which one. *She's known to break out into song at random. *She's writing a very long novel that she's been working on since middle school. She doubts it will ever be finished. *She's earned her 10-year Gold Pin from Girl Scouts. *She considers her title of "Marching Eagles Belching Champion 1999" one of her "higher" credentials. *Yes, Spiff is a band nerd. And she played flute, too. *She loves the woods. *Her favorite season is Autumn. *She loves reading Neil Gaiman. *ALF used to scare her; she feared for the lives of her cats. *She's been playing piano since she was six-years-old. *When she was in first grade, her teacher gave her a "C" on a coloring sheet. It scarred her for life. *She loves baseball. *Spiff played the role of Tituba in Arthur Miller's The Crucible her sophomore year of college. She won Best Supporting Actress for her performance. *She got the name "Spiff" from saying "spiffy" way too much. *She loves doing radio and aspires to go into voice acting. *She didn't really have a "scene" in high school. *She describes herself as patient, open-minded, intelligent and gentle. *Her favorite hobbies include writing, playing music, beading (jewelry - it's a stress reliever, she says), and meditation/tai chi. *Her philosophies are "I'll try anything once" and "Be yourself, it's a lot easier than being someone else." That's it for now. I'll update eventually.
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