Listening to: Thank God I\'m a Country Boy - Billy Dean
Feeling: fabulous
So, it's been a sucky couple of weeks. Stressful. Kelley's having breakdowns, lost her job ... it happens. I'm seriously thinking about moving back home, because I'm not going to be able to afford this. I've overdrawn again - I don't know how - I haven't been using my debit card or writing any checks for the past month, and yet I still manage to keep overdrawing ... I just don't understand. Don't get it.
Recital sucked.
But Open mic was good for "That Takes Ovaries" - everyone seemed to really enjoy my piece. Wish I'd had more time to prepare - it was a little short notice ... plus, you know, been a busy week with midterms and working at the daycare and the recital and all.
Daycare is ... wonderful. I feel so ... necessary. Almost every day I leave feeling satisfied - and that's what's important. I admit, when I first started there, I wasn't sure if this was what I wanted to do. I mean, I was starting to doubt myself ... but then I started getting them to listen to me and behave when I introduced SUGAR into the equation ... and all was well. YAY!
And now I'm at the radio station running a Shoe Stop remote and singing the Ovaltine jingle. Damnit all to hell. That's a catchy jingle. Just wish I coudl remember the words beyond the commercial.
I'm in love with Fufu Berry JONES. Yes. I just got a fortune (after following the "ritual" - Mal knows what I'm talking about; I'll explain it another time) that says "your life will be happy and peaceful." Nice. Once, I got a M.F. Grape Jones and was going to drink it before I got on the radio, but I forgot about it and called Mom instead to ask her why my TB skin test area was so purple (nurse just bruised me something awful - and here I was starting to freak out that I had tuberculosis) - and when I finally went through the Jones ritual and read the fortune, it read "call your mom" ...
I really do hope my life will be happy and peaceful. I could use that right now. From this moment on, I'm trying to be happy and peaceful, no matter what happens. I'm just going to let myself go.
Tomorrow is my first real day off for a long, long time. No studying to do, no work, no school ... nice. Yeah, we're on Spring Break now. I think I'll spend my day off ... sleeping.
Might go out with Mom or Meredith this Thursday to see that Passion of Christ movie that everyone's talking about. Couple of coworkers at the daycare told me that they left feeling better about themselves - that no matter how bad things are, they're nothing compared to what Jesus went through.
Given, I'm not really ... Christian or ... really anything, for that matter. I mean, I believe that Christ existed, and Buddha and ... yeah. It's hard to explain - I guess more spiritual than religious. I consider myuself touched by enlightenment. I've started to figure out God, the higher Power, Allah, Tao - all that stuff ... I've started to figure it out, I find myself getting closer and closer to the "big picture" - can seriously feel myself coming closer and closer to the truth and understanding. It brings me peace to know that.
I want to spike my hair like the girl on my Jones bottle. It's kinda mohawk-like, but not shaved or anything. I think it's interesting. I might try that.
I'm trying to lose weight. I really am. It's just not working with my schedule. When it starts to get prettier outside and I get to spend more time with the kids instead of worrying about who's leaving and who I have - Oh my god, did I lose one? - then I can start playing with the kids and having more fun. I've found myself getting more and more tired lately, though. I'm exhausted by the end of the day - but you can't really blame me, though, can you? I mean, my day is pretty long. Starts at 7:00 and often times doesn't end until after 11:30. I try to find little moments for myself throughout the day, but it's started getting a bit difficult.
Anyway, I'm running a remote right now, so I should probably get back to paying attention to that.
I love you guys.
Beware of the leprechans. Beware. It's getting closer to my favorite holiday.
P.S. I love Canadians. *hugs her Jones*

moving on, well you have a lot going on from what i was able to gather from this entry.
i think i may need to reread it since i've already forgotten, damn this brain of mine.
rock on with the goodness.
Gonna read you sometimes...
Rêverie, c'est un mot français... tu parles le français?
In the comment, you were using German? I'm going to learn German at summer.
Keep on, you're doing a good diary!