Listening to: Guy behind me singing that accursed Milkshake song
Feeling: giddy
Whew, boy – that was one interesting night.
Well, yeah, I kind of met a guy last night. I was in the computer lab, typing up my schedule for this semester and looking up some shit on fencing (because I plan on starting soon but have no idea where to start taking classes) – when Meredith comes in and sits down next to me. I think we’re in there for maybe 45 minutes before she calls Brent and I get dragged along to go get dinner at Taco Bell. Wish I’d had more of a notice, though – I wasn’t wearing any socks.
Yeah, Spiffy, the sockless wonder.
Yeah, I got in a little after 2:30. I got that new cell phone, you know, and I haven’t programmed any numbers in it yet because I keep forgetting – so I couldn’t call Kelley to let her know that I was staying out. I mean, it’s not like I have that number committed to memory or anything. But seriously, though, I told her around 5:30 that I would “be back in about an hour†– which actually turned out to be more like, uhm, seven.
So Brent has this really funny, witty and intelligent brother named Grant. He’s really cool, actually. We met up with a friend of his and played pool – then went to Steak N Shake (Shake my steak!) for three pots of coffee and met up with even more people that he knew. The guy knows a lot of people. I felt a little out of place, though, I didn’t know these people – plus I was kind of the only girl there … and I wasn’t wearing socks.
Yeah, Meredith and Brent kind of went off to her room do, uh, do stuff.
But yeah, Grant was cool. He wore these pretty red Hugo Boss underpants – speedos he called them. Eh. He seemed to like showing those off in public. He was, afterall, very outgoing. I probably would have had more fun if I hadn’t eaten anything – started to feel sick. I’m not used to eating Mexican (we ate at Taco Bell because, apparently Grant’s a vegetarian and Taco Bell is cheap) – so I felt greasy, pukey sickness for a couple of hours. Yes, kept feeling like I was going to vomit. Started to think that maybe Grant and his friend thought I was bulimic or something with how I kept going to the bathroom like I did.
After all was said in done, some people went home, and Grant drove me back to my car, which in turn he followed to Meredith’s apartment, where then he left to go be with friends at Wal-Mart for a while as the rest of us watched Pearl Harbor – which I had not seen. Egads. I’d heard it was a bad movie – and yes, it had it’s moments – but the action sequences … man. Whew.
It was a very interesting night.
Yes, it is safe to say that I am just a little bit taken with Grant. Just a little – charming little imp that he is. Actually had an intelligent conversation with a guy over pool. Wow.
We both suck at pool, by the way – but the sad thing is, he’d played probably 3 weeks prior, and I hadn’t played in maybe 2 years … but I still sunk more balls than him.
Ah … that didn’t sound right, did it?
I felt bad, though – a little out of place at the pool hall … why? Because I was the only girl there who was actually fucking PLAYING. Ha. All the other girls sat to the side watching their guys play. Aw. How cute. If I was a guy, I would like a girl who played with me, not a girl who just sat on the side and watched and/or chatted with her girl friend. Jeez, man – cut loose! Have a little fun!
Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaand – I’ve just come from Religions of the World class with Dr. Noll. I love this man. He’s so fucking cool. I can already tell that I’m going to enjoy this class muchly.
That being said, methinks I’m going to go get ready for the next class – which will be Art for Elementary Teachers with Professor Kolok, yet another kickass instructor. Yyyyeeeaaaahhh, I can already tell that I’m going to really enjoy my Tuesdays and Thursdays – VERY much.
And I really should check my e-mail more often. There was one in there from Mal from, like, the 30th. Shit, man. I feel bad. I think I last checked it on the 29th … damn.
Anyway! I’m off! More later, of course.

I haven't talked to you in a long time, it seems. I've been busy and I apologize.
second of all, i always enjoy a girl who plays with me instead of just watching.
third of all, why are there no wet Popples?
fourth i think i may have athletes foot, which is odd considering i'm not much of an athlete.