
Listening to: Switchblade Symphony
Feeling: amused
All righty then. Here are those wonderful pictures I promised would come along in the last entry. I was fooling around with my brother's digital camera, taking pictures of students for a class project. After that was over, I still carried it around for a while and some friends and coworkers thought it was cool, so they played with it, too. One of my friends thought it would have been fun if we did a sort of photo shoot. We eventually exhausted the battery. Oops. I hope you all enjoy. ... see, now. I can be cute, too. This is me singing in the practice rooms while waiting for a guitarist friend to get out of his lesson. I'm not sure exactly what I was singing at the time, but odds are it was probably something by Cranberries or Evanescence. This is me just hanging out in the station where I work. We were busy that night with three ball games, run by the new part-timers, plus two senior staff to take care of everything else and oversee the trainees. This picture was taken of me by one of the new guys. I was bouncing off the walls, actually. I am surprised he actually caught me sitting down. I'd had way too much caffeine that day - and my boss (and Randy and Rob) have stated that they are frightened by how much energy I have for working an overnight shift. For those of you who don't know, overnight shifts at the station are from 8PM to 6AM. Someone took this picture of me while I was recording some dummy tracks. Evil candidness! Someone said that this picture reminded him of the cover for Fallen. I told him "I don't have black hair or a pierced eyebrow. I'm not Amy Lee! Tell me again that I look like Amy Lee and I'll fucking stab you in the eye with my pixistick!" Don't get me wrong, though. I like Amy Lee and Evanescence, oh yes I do. ... though Meredith does tell me that I sound a lot like her when I sing. Oh, don't even get me started! I'm flattered, though, and I do love my Meredith. I miss you! As for Jeff - yes, he is my boss, but he's very laid back, and he's more of a friend to me than my supervisor. When we talk, it's usually more like friends,really. Recently, we had a meeting that was basically just a bitch session - we talked about things that piss us off (*ahem*) and he told me that I was one of his better employees, but he felt that maybe he was a bit too laid back and needed to stop being everyone's friend and be more of a boss. The reason being because some of my coworkers don't exactly pull their own weight - and if they didn't attend the mandatory meeting, their absence could result in them getting fired. It would seem that all some of them are doing is just sitting in WBIO with the speakers turned down and watching TV. No weather updates or checking the other stations - not even answering the phones. And I wonder how some people got hired in the first place. He also told me that even though he knows I like the overnight shift, he still wanted to give me better hours so I'll have more exposure. The thing is, though, I like the overnights because they fit in better with my already hectic schedule. They finally got me to sit down long enough to take this one. I'm serious when I say "I think he had more fun with that camera than I did." Yep, last one. I was getting tired by then, I'd been working almost 18 hours. I love the station, I really do. I'd work there full time if I could, but I still have classes, observations, and a senior recital to do. Well, that about wraps it up. Again, I realize I haven't been around for a few ... months. But I hope this makes up for it all. Take care, all you beautiful people. P.S. For the record ... Mountain Dew Pitch Black is my new obsession. The stuff fucking rocks! ... I may never sleep again.
Read 17 comments
thanks heaps! yeh, we'll probably be recording by the end of the year or the start of next year. :) keep rockin. xoxo
Mt Dew Pitch Black is AWESOME! And you are very pretty!!
Yeah its a song. Thanks for reading
lol you're welcome.

well it's all ok I guess I did my job well and the rest of the band did. A lot of people come just to see us now.
well yes I would think so but she does this constantly so no. you're gorgeous btw.
p.s - cool pics ^-^
You weren't disturbed? GAD you're lucky! I wasn't either at first... but now *looks around* nuuu!
maybe thats it, but shes been like this for awhile and she used to beat him and stuff. i think shes just spiteful, but i dunno
thanks i will
thanks i wrote it..unhealedscar...

im totally okay with that! thatd rock! :)
yay!!! thank you for taking the time to listen to it! i appreciate it much. :)

lol...not quite melissa
kinda like The Used, Taking Back Sunday, Underoath...bands like that..yeah

not the strokes though...hee hee
haha..yeah you can go to

theres alot of screamo bands there..some suck but some are good..mmm...yeah... its like screaming..but melodic riffs and still emo..yeah..:) lol..
haha..nice pics

mmm..well.we are acoustic/screamo/emo/classical..and we might throw in an accordion in like a future yeah...acoustic/screamo


thanks for appreciating the layout:)

hey! thanks for the comment. pointless entries are good. :) our band plays music kind of similar to 'the used' or 'the distillers', it changes with every song. :P you seem cool! keep rockin. xoxo
Thank you for your compliment. You are qutie lovely as well. ^.^