Listening to: NoThInG
Feeling: achy
its 10:00 and i'm TIRED! I'm going over to chloe's in like...half and hour to set up and shit. Then i have my tourney at 2:45 so i will have to be on my way over there by 2:15. And i hope we win this year. WE've been undefeated for 3 years (except last year we got beat ONCE!) and last year we lost the tourney by [] < that much! meaning- its was a reeeeeally close game. So i want to beat that team today! :-) And My last game unfortunately (if we make all the way trhough....which i'm betting we will :-) ) isn't until FRIKIN 5:00/!!!! girr and guess what... MY PARTY IS AT SIX!!!!!! and i think for the touney today we are only playing 20 minute halfs...i think....which sucks because its not enough playing time...but is good because it makes it a faster game so i can get home and showered and to chloe's sooner. So my game will probably (supposively) end at about 5:00 (but like i can count on that because we're always running late in tourneys) SHIT! then i'm gona havee to get home and shower and shit and GIRR! stupid tourney time :- hehe My left thigh is K--L-L-I-N-G ME! all week in gym we've been doing these gay runnig things and all this shit and now my thigh hurts like crap! and thats not good......girr well i should go get ready.... *LATER* ~peace~ ~_8_ DAYS * UNTIL * MY * BIRTHDAY! ~
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why would I want to be my FUCKING self all the time? that would be tiring. fun though.