[[ 147 ]]

Feeling: conflicted
ughh.. tonight is my chorus concert.. ehh.. i've been dreading this day. i hate dressing up. ughh.. so today was okay. i guess. just like any other normal day. today john found henry! it was so awesome. henry is the coolest ever. john is too, of course. =D ok so. idk. i think i may brak up with casey. cherokee was sayin all this shit last night. &he made it seem like casey doesnt even like me. so i dont know. im just so lost. &megan confuzes me. and she sayzz' im frazzled. &seriusly im not frazzled. im perfectly fine. ugh. just boyzz' confuze me. so yeah. well im out. i think im gunna do my diary again. c yaz' ???? i ♥ casey ???? take this razor sign YOUR name across my wrist so everyone will know who left me like this. comment me x3
Read 2 comments
Haha nice new layout Alli! very hawt! It makes my eyes all weird ;-]
ya just gotsta go with ur heart on this one...I think that yiu should dump casey :-x but don't listen to me if you don't want lol

much x3

-[ x ]- [ o ]- Megz -[ o ]- -[ x ]-