Listening to: you found me - kelly clarkson
Feeling: happy
today was funnn.
casey called at like 1:15
and told me he was coming
over here. and then i
waited for him to get
here then we had to wait
for my parents to get home
before we leave. so we sat
up in my room and jammed to
some music. && then
my parents came home and me
&& casey started to
go for a walk. && as
we were waling jackie she
comes. so then we hang out
with jackie too. &&
then we went to carousel.
then to the park.
&& then to bobs.
&&then at bobs we
bought uhmm to bottles of
soda. && casey got
a 12 pack of mountain dew.
haha. hes a dorkk.
and then casey && jackie
went off to carousel &&
i went to the park &&
looked at birds.. woo hoo
&& then casey &&
jackie came back!&& i
was braiding my hair. haha.
&&then we went home
&& watched tv. then
ate dinner. then sat upstairs
while jackie told me &&
casey all these gay scenes to
act out. haaha. && then
we all went swimming. it was
pretty sweet. && the
dork got out because he was
cold. haha. && me
&& jackie. the cool
people we are. we stayed in.
goo uss!! and then we all got
out && got changed &&
went to carousel &&
the park. && then jackie`s
mom picked her up. &&
then me && casey
went back home. &&
we sat. && then he
went home. && now i`m
here. && now i`m
i love you x/3
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