Listening to: almost perfect - ingram hill
Feeling: angsty
well yesterdayy- well ii diid liike nothiingg. and then around liike 4iishh? ♥john,josh,jared,&&justiin came to my homee.. and we went to down to the lake cause we were gunna swiim.. but then ii left&&went to carouselll. and ii ended upp helpiing cleann upp..there were liike a miilliion camps there.. &&thenn all the guys showed up there.. and we just chiilled iin the battiing cagess.. then me,♥john,josh,&&justiin were supposed to walk to my house so ii can get moneyy.. &&jared stayed at carousell.. but on our way to my house.. we saw jeremyy.. and we left wiith jeremyy,tony,&&johnny to go to the swiimmiingg holee.. but then we diidn`t even swiim there.. so then we went to skiinner`s falls..&&we went down the rapiid`s..ii effiing flew down themm. haha iit wasss soo funnyy.. justiin was all worriied about me cause ii could have drowneeddd.. but ii was just swelll.. &&then when we were donee. jeremy dropped justiin off at home.. =(.. &&then me,♥john,&&josh went back to kuester`s.. and then to carousell.. &&we chiilled there for 5 miinutess..&&on the walk there i was so hyperr. and ♥ john thought ii was stonedd.. &&ii was sayiing stupiid shiit about hookiing up wiith joshh iif ii was stonedd.. &&josh was liike "no..only on sundayss.. goddd".. haha he iis justt too damnn muchh.. but he`s pretty sweeet. &&then we went to bob`s&&ii bought the boyss driinkss.. &&then we went back to carouselll..&&then we were boredd. so we went to my house and hungg outt.. &&then jared called me.. and ii talked to hiim..&&then ♥john&&josh lefttt=( .. cryy cryy.. haha..&&ii went iinsiidee &&went on the computerrr.. then ii made somethiingg to eatt.. &&then went backk on the computerr.. &&then ii was talkiing to my radiical ryan friiend..&&he was fliippiing out cause he diidn`t know ii was goiing out wiith johnn.. haha.. iit was funnyy... &&then ii got off&&went outsiide &&called megan&&looked at the starss.. &&then ii went upp to bedd..
todayyy-well ii am goiing to faiith`s housee. =D.. and ii`m sleepiing overr=D.. &&ii shall be comiingg home tomorroww.
da fuckk
leave some xx
i have to fixe it a little though -
♥ ya muchh !
I like yours a lot as well...