Listening to: - none
Feeling: chipper
yay go todayy!!
it was pretty hot outt todayy. so me and megan went swimmingg. &yes megan is still hereee.. but she`s leaving tomorroww.. because i`m going to good ol` new york with jackiee.. until sunday? i thinkk..
anywayss.. so we hung out at carousel.. and then there`s this homeless guy in town. he`s pretty scary looking.. he`s like tall and really thin.. it`s gross...
yeah. so then we went to my g-ma`s house.. and we played on the hammock. it was pretty sweeet. even though megan was trying to like flip me or something.. it wasn`t even koool.. lol..
and then after that. we went to carousel again.. it was funn. even though casey made us run tp bob`s for no reasonn whatsoever..&&then we went homee..
then back to carousell.. and then we just hung out there for 10 minutes.. and then we were about to walk out .. and casey was like "don`t wave to anybody" soo.. of course megan DOESNT listen.. and she waves to a car full of guyss.. and then they pulled intp carousel`s parking lott.. it was pretty damn freakyyy!!
and when we got home.. we went swimmming.. and it was pretty sweeeeettttttttt... haha
and now we`re here.. so bye
i ♥ eric
<3 i LoVe JuStIn <3
love ya! and justin! lol!
<3 i LoVe JuStIn <3
&hearts eM