
Listening to: Behind Blue Eyes
Feeling: confused
hey im bored im like soo...confused...well yesterday at the end of the day when me and matt were walking to our buses i was like i love you he goes yea i love you too i go i love you more he goes yea i know and he just walked away....thats not like him...he has like been being like that since he went to thursday was st. patricks day right? so he went to kiss me i go nope today i only kiss irish ppl then i laughed and go are you irish? he goes no then walked away and i go oh my i was just kidding he goes i no and he walked away....its like he doesnt like me any more and i think he is gana break up with me...idk....maybe he is just in a bad mood from being in star but still...i wouldnt think he would be like this towards me...i dont know what to do because i have really fallen hard for this guy...hopefully he is just tired and stuff from star...i hope he calls me tonight he usually calls me on saturday nights...and i am listening to our song, Behind blue eyes, and it is making it worse....i really want to talk to he is leaving to live in hawaii in june..he wrote me a note a week or so ago that said he might not go or something like that......this sucks so much....please comment me!!! :(
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sam huni.. just give matt time.. he's probably in a bad mood.. i mean he's in star.. thats like the workout of the world!! its like milatary school!!!.. just let him be for a little bit. and i'm here for you if you need to talk.. alright? I love you sam!Best Friends :*
hey sam its matt i hope that you look at this. im so sorry that ive been acting kinda wierd i guess i wouldnt know what to call it but im really sorry i love you alot. more than anyone in the world. that is true. well im just saying im sorry bye love you

PLz forgive me.