
At the moment...

Created by inferno and taken 69 times on bzoink!

At the moment...
what are you wearing?jeans and sweatshirt
what would you rather be wearing?sweatpants
what are you listening to?someone talk
what is the taste in your mouth?m&m's
what is your favorite band?Green Day
what would you rather doing?talking on the phone
where would you rather be?upstairs
who do you want to see?april come get the kids
who is your crush?matt
what is on your mind?matt...and listening to Green day
what don't you want to think about?the kids staying again
what are you waiting for?crackers
what do you have plans to do?softball game thursday
what do you plan on not doing?playing with hunter
who don't you want to see?my orthodontist
who do you hate?i dont know
what do you hate?moths
what do you love?crackers
what is a secret you're keeping?im not telling ....

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