Watching survivor

im watching survivor and it is REALLY good it is the season finale....and Tom just won immunity against Ian i hate Ian i hope Tom wins it is good he got immunitie b/c ian and the 2 other girls would vote him off man i hope he wins....i had a game yesterday we won 22-5 yay i got hit in the elbow by the pitcher...really hard...and now my elbow is all screwed up b/c i can barely move it i went to pick up my soda today and it hurt soooo bad then my sister made me carry 4 huge bags at the mall today it was horrible... matts mom wont let him over now so he is prctically already is awful i cried so bad last night when i was on he phone with him he was mad b/c he found out i cut again and i started crying and he was mad then he had to go and he called me back and goes whatever you do, dont cut...i was bawling at that point....well im gana go b/c survivor is back o and im hungry
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my name is samantha, and my middle name lynne.
HEY! Who won on survivor?!?! lol, I didn't finish watching
