Finally, I'm going home today. I just have to figure out how I'm going to be packing all my stuff up. Ah well, plenty of time for that. Last night I had the most relaxing sleep I'd had in months. Ah it felt soo good, so comfortable, so relaxing. I didn't want to get up today, but I did anyhow to bring Nicole some food after her exam. And now I'm back here, comfortable again. Sun almost came out this morning. I think we've had more than enough grey to last us for a while. Need some color back in the world. Yeesh, my neighbor just gave me a plastic back full of yogurt and fruits and such. I have so much of it now...*sigh*. What to do, what to do. Ha, I can dump it on my sis over at her place, hehehe... Well, I guess I'm off until I get set up at home now. Finding out how I'm going to be moving my computer will be the hardest part I think. I love a challenge!
Read 8 comments
lol your comment made me laugh..I haven't written in that diary in such a long time [goof] but I shall soon. Anyways I wasn't trying to get away with anything.. :) just in pain tis all. be well.

I love a challenge too..

"go stir crazy..sis?" is this Andrew?
I KNEW IT!! It is you!! Since December and you BARELY write to me..?!! geeze..love ya anyway bro.

love always,
sheesh..I'm not even on your friend's list, and I'm YOUR SISTER, YOUR SISTER!! :P lol It's been awhile..and I thought I'd check if I was even on your friends list, and it turns out I'm not..thanks a lot..don't put me on it either. I know when I'm not wanted :P anyways..I had a feeling this one was yours, well sort of..cuz it had a famliar feel to it..but I couldn't quite figure out why, then the whole sis thing threw me off or right on track..so
...I read your "born again" entry..and figured it out..I knew it..yea..anyways..thought I'd share the entire story with ya..love ya lots..

Love Always,
haha yah I didn't exactly want to get this morning either, bey hey theres learning to do! lol I am a sleepaholic

you are such a LIAR!! you had THREE, count that THREE! names there, do not tell me you didn't remember, cuz obviously you did, now take me off, now. lol (I'm just kidding)crazy kid..

love ya lots!!


...about what?
