My lack of sleep last week messed me up for this week. I had six hours every night before, now eight this week. However, I wake up every morning at 2am, or after about 6 hours of sleep. So I figured I'll go to sleep at ten last night to see if it'd be better. Yep, woke up n time. Didn't want to, but then I had to. Work makes the money, money makes the people happy and the world keeps on turning that's all she wrote.
Oddly enough I've kept tempers at work down, at least for the people around me. I guess it helps that I am who I am. It's very interesting to see that effect I have on people.
Otherwise been an okay week. Monday SUCKED hardcore. But it's a Monday, what can one expect...
Movie quote of the day:
"Now, we must all fear evil men. But there is another kind of evil which we must fear most, and that is the indifference of good men."
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