Last Night my girls, Hedges and Tina came over... We decided that boys are stupid and for us to change our mind, they have to prove themselves different to us.... =)
yes or no:
smoked a cigarette - I have, i dont regulary tho...
smoked a cigar- same deal as last question
crashed a friend's car - nope
stolen a car - nope
been in love - nope
been dumped - nope
been fired - nope
been in a fist fight - with my sister
snuck out of parent's house - FunNy...buT nO
had feelings for someone who didnt have them back - yeahh it suckkss
been arrested - nope
made out with a stranger? - yeah haha
gone on a blind date - kinda... lol
lied to a friend white lies - Who hasn't?
skipped school -
slept with a co-worker - hah...Got to WorK 1sT
seen someone die - thank god no
been on a plane - like 15 times...
taken painkillers - omg yea...
love someone or miss someone right now - i miss someone.. but i`ve never been in love
laid on your back and watched cloud shapes go by - sure have
made a snow angel - FreaKin` FuN
played dress up - oh man, yea.. with brittany and leesha.. good times good times
cheated while playing a game - most definitely. esp the card playing games with leesha and that gang haha
been lonely - oh yea...
fallen asleep at work/school - i cant! its weird...
used a fake id - nah
felt an earthquake - nope
touched a snake - yeahhh
run a red light - and got a ticket.. thanks mom
been suspended from school - nope
had detention - once yeah..
been in a car accident - No
hated the way you look - YEah!
witnessed a crime - probably, i dont remember
danced - DUH!!...
questioned your heart - yea...
been lost - with jeff that one time to carlys house..haha
been to the opposite side of the country - most definitely!
felt like dying - not really..
cried yourself to sleep - yes
played cops and robbers - fun fun
done something you told yourself you wouldn't - YuP...
caught a snowflake on your tongue - mmhmm
kissed in the rain - yeahh
sang in the shower - La La La...Love iT...
glued your hand to something - TogeTheR...hah
got your tongue stuck to a flag pole - NooOo...
worn the opposite sex's clothes - YaH...
sat on a roof top - yeah! not mine tho
didn't take a shower for a week - ew NeveR...
are scared to watch scary movies alone - Yes!
been pushed into a pool with all your clothes on - yes, more times then one too!
been told you're a MILF or DILF by a complete stranger - no, cant say i have
broken a bone - never
been easily amused - yes, very
laughed so hard you cried - ALL THE TIME
cheated on a test - yes
forgotten someone's name - so many times
slept naked - close
gone skinny dipping in a pool - yeah
been kicked out of your house - no way
blacked out from drinking - yea
played a prank on someone - Lots oF timeS
gone to a late night movie - yeah