
icons.. Image hosted by TinyPic.comImage hosted by TinyPic.comImage hosted by TinyPic.comImage hosted by TinyPic.comImage hosted by TinyPic.com Image hosted by TinyPic.comImage hosted by TinyPic.comImage hosted by TinyPic.comImage hosted by TinyPic.com Image hosted by TinyPic.comImage hosted by TinyPic.comImage hosted by TinyPic.com Image hosted by TinyPic.comImage hosted by TinyPic.com just some cute icons i like.... well, today is thursday.. I have driving at noon. (TJ, the sweetie he is, is taking me) Then after that, know know what im going to do. Last night Danielle and I rented a few movies. Be Cool, was the first one. That was really dumb. Since that was so bad i was getting tired, so i watched Dirty Dancing Havana NIghts up in my room. It was so good! I didnt expect much from the movie... but i was impressed. anyways, i`m going to go shower. Write later xo
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