Have to clean the the house spotless.
moms love to clean...moms love to make us clean.
the reason why i have to clean is becuz my friend leslie is coming in 2 days, and ive been away for a couple of days so the house is very clean...which pisses me off.
I had a dream last night that somebody stole my penny so i got pissed and I set all the people that was in the war for him free.
I know, I dont even get it. but hey! HE STOLE MY FREAKING PENNY!
well gots to be going now, i probably will write again later, later tonight, becuz I just woke up and nothing really has happened yet.
-------------later that day--------------
cleaned alot, made everything spick and spam...gotta clean my room and finish the walls and then tomorrow just straighten up really fast again and then leslie comes!
I like a boy right now, barely know him, but hes really pretty and well you know...long hair, tight pants....yes yes. I just need to think of way to ask him to go hang out...hmm...me have guts? no...
well gots to go,
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