Its all such a confusing stage. You think everything is perfect when you meet a guy, until one thing can spoil it. a couple words. not my words. his. Please dont let it be true. plz just let it be a joke. but nothing is ever a joke. Well I Just Dont Know. Wow. you have no clue how amazing you are, and i wish i could tell you that. I wish i could change and be the perfect person for you. I wish. I wish. I Wish. Lets pray that god is not with us, and that there is no such thing. and that we are on our own, and that when we die, nothing happens, were just not there. Can i hold your hand?
Read 10 comments
Awesome layout darl. The used are the fucking sex. They rock ay... ♥
Thank you! You just made my day.
Your diary is super. I ♥ the Used.
I understand what you're talking about. How something can be so good but then sometimes one little thing or something just ruins it all.
At least, that's how it almost was. Close, close call though. Now we're good.

Well ttyl♥
Yeah its good darlin, how about u? Atreyu are pretty good
Mmhmm eh, that sounds promising doesnt it?
Lol yeah, anyways this little convo of ours is quite borin...Anythin to liven it up a bit?
what other bands do you like??
haha no way! not the used!

god they;re amazing. so are you/.

you should make the sides transparent though..
just take out the codes for the colors completely for the menu things i think..
i love u--chloe
hey!!! cool diary it's awesome! :)


you shouldn't change for people. k there's my philosophical advice for the day.