On A Happier Note...

Listening to: My mom's TV workout
Feeling: hopeful
Well.....for everyone who read the last note, this one will be much happier, I promise. :) Last night Dan and I went to the movies; we saw "Mr. and Mrs. Smith" in Houghton Lake. It was a super great movie, lots of things blowing up and tons of action...the best kind of movie, lol. I think that was my first date ever, with just me and the one other person. Alex and I used to go out with Steve and Monica, or to parties or something, or just watch TV at one house or another, but parents and friends were always there, we never actually went on a "date" date. Rachel and Patric were there too, and they sat with us, but we drove seperately. We talked the whole way there, before, a little during, and after the movie, the drive home, and then we went to DQ for ice cream. I had a really great time, I hope he did too. I feel kinda bad because he paid for my movie ticket and my ice cream cone, but he said it was no big deal and that it was "his job", which it's not, I am perfectly happy splitting stuff, I expect it. I mean, why make one person pay for everything all the time?? Anyways, I'm happy. During the movie Rachel kept poking me, trying to get me to hold his hand, but I didn't. Halfway through though, he put his arm around me and I put my head on his shoulder. :) It felt nice. I don't know what to do now though lol, I've never done anything like this before, so I'm a little lost as to what comes next. Do I wait and see if he calls me? Or call him? Monica told me to call him tomorrow to see if he wanted to hang out: go to the beach, watch movies here, etc, and I think it sounds good, so I prolly will lol. We'll see tomorrow. I'm also going to start running tomorrow...two miles. From my house, around my subdivision twice, to the end of the road, and back to my house, is two miles...I think. My mom said it was close, so that's what I'm going by. Whatever it is, it'll be good for me, especially since I'm gonna run cross country next fall. Just an update, since I forgot that I didn't do it earlier. :) Wish me luck! RACHEL: CALL ME!!
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Hey I miss you!
Just wanted to say Igot your comment, and you coming into dinner would be awesome!!!
Read cosmo at the beach today and thought of you