
Feeling: hungry
Wow, today was one of the most boring days I've had in a long time. I miss Alex already lol; I have nothing to do on the weekend. Yesterday was so much fun. Sam and I went to DQ where we met Dan and Justin and later Steve. We ate ice cream and decided that we wanted to go canoeing, but Justin had to work so the four of us went. Sam's neighbor let us borrow his canoe and we strapped it to Steve's van. We left my car at Chase Bridge, and launched it from the park in town. The river's up a ton, the bottom deck in teh park is about a foot under water. There are a lot of trees down that we had to go around/bump into lol. The boys steered, and sucked at it I might add lol. Next time it's girls steering. Sam and I just sat in the middle and talked lol, and got splashed when we kept insinuating that Dan was gay (we still love you Dan!) and by Steve whenever he felt like it lol. Got all the way to Chase Bridge when I remembered I left my keys in Steve's van in town, so we used a stick thru my open window to unlock the car, then left Dan to guard the canoe while we walked to Sam's house to get her truck. I drove stick lol, and only stalled once in town - go me! It wasn't that bad, just an extra adventure, I think Dan even got to work on time. Then I went home for dinner and then to Rich's for his HALO party. That was fun, lol I suck at it, but I did manage to get 3 kills in one of the games, so...good? Whatever, not like I've ever played before lol. Today I got up at 11:11, exactly. Since then I've talked to Sam on the phone...twice, sat in front of my computer, did some homework, watched Pride and Prejudice (super-duper), and am waiting for my mom to finish dinner, because I'm hungry. That's it lol, I'm so fucking bored. Alex is supposed to call sometime today, I think after 9:00 because that's when his free nights start...unless it's 7:00 lol, I guess I'll wait and see. I hope he's having fun on break (he's in Myrtle Beach w/everyone from HL) but I miss him lol and I can't wait till he comes home. I really hope it doesn't rain tomorrow, I want to go riding, Zipper needs to be ridden to get all the spring friskiness out so he's not a pain in the ass, so I was gonna do that. I love to just go out and ride on my own, it's not lonely or boring, it's a good time to think, generally, so I hope it doens't rain lol, or I'll be stuck inside with my family and cousins, which, for a whole day, will get very old. Must remember to take my iPod after I update and charge it, and a good I have to find one lol. I guess that's all, at least for now.
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Dude, you rock at Halo, i could never find you because you were running around looking at the "pretty places" lol. ttyl
