Jake's Birthday

Listening to: Radio...
Feeling: hellagood
Today was a great day...after 1:00 lol anyways. Woke up to no power, went back to bed, woke up to the generator, layed in bed till I remembered I had to go the bank and Rite Aid, so I got up and went in in my pajamas lol. Tried to wax my legs, didn't hurt as much as they claim, but the hair wasn't long enough so I gave up and just took a shower when the power came on and shaved them. Bet you all wanted to know that lol. Made my excellant cheesecake marble fudge brownies today for Jake's 18th birthday...went over there at 3:30 and hung out at Jake's house with Alex, Jessica, Drew, Amanda, and Mindy. Ate pizza and celery and brownies and then cake later lol. Watched "American Pie: Band Camp" (great movie if you liked the 1st one's and I did) on Jake's computer, and then played with all the recording stuff in the room. Alex and Jake and Drew are recording a new song..."Moondance" by Van Morrison. Jake sings and plays guitar and drums, Alex is the bassist and trombone/trumpet guy, and Drew is on saxophone. It's sweet, but they're only 1/2 done so far. Jake wrote a new song for his EP called "Happy Songs Suck" and part of the lyrics he took from me venting about my bad day in the entry before...he said the song was for me, to cheer me up, and it did lol, now I have my very own song! Yay! Alex was gonna try to do a backflip from Jake's deck rail, but as he bent to do it he slid off and just landed flat. It was kinda funny. He also mooned us all, so now I join the group of people who have seen Alex's bare ass...yay me...haha. Later, when only Jess, Jake, Alex, Mindy and I were there we went outside with all Jake's paintball stuff and had Western-type duels in the street (you know, stand back to back, each take 20 steps counting off, turn and shoot till someone's hit). It was great, I didn't go, I gave Alex my coat so he could w/o getting his t-shirt all painty and being cold. He gave me his button down shirt and with the other 3 I was wearing I was fine. Then we just messed around in the snow...I made a snow angel in the snow in the back of Alex's truck wearing Jake's coat so I wouldn't get all wet and cold. Went inside and watched the car auction for awhile, just hanging out basically, then I left, took Jess home, and now I'm here. Yippee lol. Tomorrow I have to work, son of a bitch. I looked at the Feb schedule and she has me working 2 Tuesdays...when I have ski meets, and one's my birthday, and I'd much rather ski than work. I requested them off again, even tho I told her I can't work Tues-Thurs during Jan-Feb...whatever, if she says no, too damn bad, skiing's more important. I also work the 12th, the Sunday after WC. That weekends gonna blow. I work Friday, then perhaps the dance, depends on other things and how I feel after work...Saturday is Quizbowl, which, while it rocks, it's really early lol, then work on Sunday. Bleh. I hate haveing to work, but I need the money for my car and gas and whatnot. Well, I'm gonna see if anyone interesting is on to talk to, and if not, I'm going to bed lol. I forgot to move my sheets to teh dryer before I left today, so they're still in teh washer...I'll finish them tomorrow, right now I'm on my unfolded sleeping bag with my quilt and blankets on top lol. Whatever, I dont care as long as I'm comfy. Later!
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