Random Thoughts

Feeling: regretful
I'm bored and have been thinking a lot this weekend, so I figured I'd write some of it down lol. Got my ears pierced on Friday, lol, my own little act of rebelling against my mom, because I got another hole in each lobe and one in each ear on teh top too, which she told me not to do. I like them, and they only hurt the one night lol, so it's all good. Other than that it was pretty boring, went to work, came home, that was it. Saturday I woke up around 11:30, and just messed around with computer stuff till like 2:15, then Jess and I decided that we wanted to go to Traverse to go shopping and out for a movie with Jake and Alex. So we met at my house and I drove...we went to JC Penney, AE, and the shoe store, and I got some kick ass stuff for Spring Break, which was the point of me going lol. Ate at the food court (taco bell) and got our pictures taken in the FotoBooth thing...they're fricking retarded lol, because we all didn't fit, Jess and I were on teh guys' laps and it was funny trying to fit us all in the frame. I have one copy, lol, we're lookin' silly. Went and saw Date Movie, which was pretty funny, it spoofs on all romantic comedies like Meet the Parents 1 and 2, Wedding Planner, Wedding Crashers, stuff like that. It was so fricking cold though, the vent above our seats was blowing down cold air the whole movie and all of us had left our coats in teh car. I had a fight with Alex over the armrest, but we eventually made a compromise that I'd put my arm on it and he put his on top of mine lol. Driving home was horrible from TC to South Boardman, for those who use the back roads lol, all those turns, it was snowing so hard I couldn't turn on my brights and we onyl went like 30 and I still fishtailed around one of them...kinda fun lol, but only because we didn't end up in a ditch. We got to my house and just hung out in my entryroom while Jake's car warmed up lol, then I talked to him while he cleared it off. And again lol, when he got home and online. I love talking to Jake, he's probably the best person in the world to talk to because he listens so well and remembers the littlest things that I may have said weeks ago, AND he has great advice. I'm his "crisis girl" he says, and he's the first (sometimes second to Sam) person who hears about my problem, whatever it is. Right now we're in the same boat with regards to relationships, so we've been talking about that lately, and whenever one of us has a bad day, we vent and just feel better. It's so weird that someone I've only known for under 2 years has become my best friend, and someone I completely trust with everything I'd ever want to tell him. Speaking of Jake's...I saw my other favorite one today lol - my cousin. We had a party at my grandma's because it was her birthday today. We jsut sat around in the living room and talked, he's so mature for being 12, he notices things that people wouldn't expect him to, and then we talk about it lol. We're gonna go to teh movies next weekend, when he gets back from his dad's, provided that there's something good there lol. He said he'd rather go with me than Sam and Steve, because I'm more fun and I don't try to be in charge of him like Steve does and boss him. I realize that he's old enough to take care of himself with his money and what he gets to eat, etc. Steve also kicks him, or flicks his ears when he's annoying, which, if he ever tried it with me lol, I'd kick him in the balls, and I'm tempted to when he does it to Jake, because half the time it's undeserved. Maybe it's just that Jake respects me and when I tell him it's enough, he listens, and I listen to what he says and his opinions, something Steve never does, because all he sees is a little step-brother who couldn't possibly have views on the world. Char, Jake and I were talking about some stuff today, that I know and she knows, but Jake does too, like I said, he's just awesome liek that lol, he's my favorite cousin. Can't wait for the snow to melt so we can go riding again after school, we did it all the time this summer and fall. On a funny side note, we were talking about hair today, because Brad asked me if I was gonna let it go natural again. It came up that Sam is really a blonde, like blond blonde, and Brad's like, uh-oh Steve, can't date her anymore...Steve swore he'd never date a blonde, which is kinda funny, seeing as how his last 2 girlfriends have been blondes (Sam and Monica). I'm so excited to go to Mexico, like beyond belief. I've already got out my summer-y stuff and started thinking about what I'm going to pack lol. There's like 33 days left, lol, Mr Williams has the countdown on his board, I look at it every day. I think that's it lol, I've run out of things to say, but on the upside, I can finally type without looking the keyboard at all, lol, it just takes me a few minutes each day to get back into it. Pretty good for someone who learned to type quickly on MSN and not in class lol. Night everyone!!
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It sucked on the way there, too! Yeah I left at like 10, as well...weird! Where'd you go there? Because I swear, if you were eating at Outback Steakhouse too, I'd be creeped out, lol.