Fucking Stupid!

Feeling: placid
Ok, this is to Kristy, Carla, and everyone else who left a rude comment on Rachel's diary. When we say taht it was stupid to go home and everything, we mean the fucking stupid people who were just like "hey, someone died, a free excuse to go home!" People who actually KNEW him, that's completely understandable and I can't even comprehend how hard it must be for them. Ashley's mom had a good quote yesterday. She said "if you knew the color of his eyes, his favorite band, favorite color, THEN you are a true friend and it's expected that you break down." People who just cried because other people were, no. People who used it as an excuse to go home, no. If you talked to him in the hall once or twice, or simply knew who he was, that's not good enough. Hell, I knew who he was, and yes, it's sad that he died, but did I cry, no, go home, definately not, why? because I wasn't friends with him, I didn't know those things that a true friend would know. Mr. Williams also said something I liked, "if you didn't know him, if you weren't friends, then be sad because someone died, but dont let it make you feel bad because you're talking and laughing with a friend who feel the same while people are going home. There's nothing wrong with going on with your life vs. crying your eyes out over a boy you didn't know well." SO...to all you people who called Rachel and the rest of us not pretending to be sad cold-hearted bitches - fuck you. Rachel is the most caring person I know, and her friend Brandon is in the ICU right now, which is pretty serious, so don't you judge her. As for me, yeah, I'm a bitch, why else would I write this? If anyone has a problem, i dare you to come and talk to me, to my face. You probably wont like what you hear. To all who are truly affected, to those who were his friends - Jazmyn, Ashley - I'm sorry for you, I, there's no way to say it, I don't know what you're going through right now, but my love goes out to you.
Read 4 comments
thank you sara. i totally agree
I have one thing to say to you. Fuck off.
Holy shit, everyone just stop fighting. Everyone has a different way of handling it, some are better than others, but fighting does absolutely nothing for anyone.
Sarah, I'm not sure why you've been such a bitch to me lately, first with a comment on my diary and then this. In case you didn't notice, I wasn't judging Rachel or any of that shit. It's her opinion, she's entitled, as I said in my comment to her. If she has a problem that I was offended by her entry, then she can talk to me about it. You don't have to get into it with me. As far as Kristy goes, that's her thing. Take it up with her, not me.