
Listening to: Library Noises
Feeling: bleh
Couldn't think of a decent name, so I'll go with my mood. It's a ok day, those kind where you just don't give shit and want it to be over with so you can move on to the more funner things. It's lunch and I'm pissed because I forgot my lunch money and therefore can't get lunch because I have like fucking .15 cents left on my account. Yeah, that was stupid, but oh well, whatever. I don't think I'm gonna eat lunch any more, it's so bad for you here. Not that I think I need to diet, just that I need to stop eating at school, because I feel fat whenever I get done eating the greasy fries, pizza, cheeseburger, or anything else that they have that day. I should start bringing a lunch, because Emily just told me that I need to eat something for lunch to stay healthy, but I don't really have the time in the AM or the motivation to get up and make it. I'd eat salads here, except the lettuce is wilted, sometimes brown, and the celery is all dried out. It's gross school food and I have no idea what I'll do when I go to college and have no other choice but to eat college food. Hopefully it's better than here. Better be, with how much I'll be paying for it. Speaking of colleges....I still have to decide where I'm gonna go. I am accepted to Northern, Grand Valley, and Saginaw Valley. I'm for sure not going to Northern, it's too far and I just don't want to spend the gas money and car maintenence. So it's either SVSU or GVSU. Bryn goes to SVSU and we've been talking about it, I went to visit it and everything, and it seems really nice. Alex, Drew, and Jessica are going to take a day in December and go visit GVSU, and Drew said I could ride with them, because I want to check it out and see what it's like, obviously, before I go spend my year there. Both places have really good English programs, I talked to Mr Ewald about them, and that rocks, since it's what I want to do. Guess I'll just have to wait and see after our trip which I like better and if the tuition is really different. I'm so excited for tomorrow!! It's my first movie night in a long time and I'm gonna hvae fun. My mom's so pissed because she thinks too many people are coming and she told me if people came whom I hadn't told her were coming she'd make them go home. she was just bitchy I think yesterday, but oh well. We're gonna watch movies and play games, like my "risque" Truth or Dare game I got on sale at Spencer's lol. It's a lot of fun, but we've never played it the right way, until tomorrow, because Sam and I have decided that, bar a few new rulings, we're gonna play it like the rules say. I think we've only changed one: if you get the dare to kiss someone and you're dating someone who's not there, then you don't have to, since that can be construed as cheating. Everything else tho, is fair game. I told Drew about it and he was like "that sounds awesome, I wanna play!" Speaking of Drew, he was proud of me the other day lol. Cory was at lunch and telling all about these gross things he learned about different sex things, so I told him I bet I could "out=gross" him with things that Drew's learned and told me or told Alex and Alex told me. I won lol, easily, and it wasn't even the worst thing I know, it was probably the least offensive one. I'm not posting them lol, because they're icky, but I'll just say that, of my RHS friends, other than Sam because she knows them too, courtesy of Alex, I know the worst things ever. Well, lunch is almost over and I've gotta go to lifeskills. I hate the fucking class so much, I'm so glad there's a sub, means we're gonna do what we have to and nothing else! Anyways, I'm out....hasta!
Read 3 comments
I dunno, i work at a Boy Scout camp for 5 weeks a year. What do you think we talk about? Well.....that is all.

sup g? hahah sorry im bored.

ashley m

i loves you and school food blows ass!!
