First Week

I feel clean lol, after not showering since Saturday, I finally did. Yeah, it's gross, but I was camping and swimming and stuff, so I had an excuse. This weekend was great! Sam and I went to Carson for Horse Weekend with my family - it's a traditional Labor Day thing - and it was so fun! I haven't ridden in forever, my legs are a bit sore lol. Sam said she had fun too, and I think she did. We listened to 80's music all the way thru Carson and to our camper. Drove all the way to town and back with a sock on my trunk (never fell off!). Sang "You Are My Sunshine" whenever we were in the back while riding, and "Hero" by Enrique lol, which Zipper didn't like at all. All my cousins and she went into the woods to play flashlight tag (they left me) and they left her and Steve out there, which was stupid, since neither of them know the trails at all lol. They came back tho, within 5 minutes, they were waiting to jump out at them and scare everyone, but they didn't go past the tree where they were lol. This week was an OK one, for school and all. I already hate it and am procrastinating on my homework. It's great lol, "time management" as Dan says. My classes are good, they're all gonna be hard, except for my aiding block. Shitty. I have a lot of classes with Sam though and that rocks, plus 3 with Dan, which also rocks. Work is cool, gonna keep it up during the school year, but no sports for me. I quit XC because of it's interferance with work and fundraising for Mexico, and homework. No ski team for sure, that's missing too many days, and I hate track, so I'm not gonna do that either. I'll do Tae-Bo on my own or with Rachel again, that was fun! I got accepted to Northern today! Got my packet and everything. I am so excited and sad at the same time. I'm not even gonna talk about it, it'll make me sadder. But, my family's going up there November 11-13 for a visit and to check out town and whatnot. I can't wait!! I'm super gonna miss people when I go to college. Thursday is 2 months for Dan and me. That's cool...I told you it was the 8th Dan!! :Þ I can't decide if it feels longer than 2 months or shorter, it's both at times, I have no clue lol. It's great, I love hanging out with him, not even doing anything at all, just sitting watching TV, or talking. I just love to be with him. Well, I'm out of things to say, and there's ice cream in the fridge calling my name, so see you all tomorrow. Night and peace out, lol. "You stay classy San Diego. I'm Ron Burgundy?" (we watched that last night lol, I love it!)
Read 6 comments
congrats on northern! see u tomorrow.
Eeew, you didn't shower? JK, a little stench now and then never hurt anyone :-P. Sounds like you had a good time at your horse weekend weekend, wish i could've come though. I'm truly happy that you got accepted to Northern, and I hope you do really well there. I'll miss you, but I can handle it, as long as you're happy. We really have to see Anchorman, I can't take it anymore.Not much room left, so ttyl.
P.S. I'm feeling the movie on Friday.
Hey this is crystal...I'm at Northern..haha like you didnt'll have to give me a call when you get up here I can show you the inside stuff;)
that was one touhg little bugger!! poor sock!!

You'll never read this but I was just on here looking at stuff from when we were dating and it seems like a lifetime ago. SO much has happened between then and now, I now neither one of us are the same people or even anything resembling them but at the same time it feels like it was yesterday and it still almost hurts when I look at this stuff. You'll never convince me that it was for the best but I'm glad we didn't let us go altogether,
I depend on you more than you know.