Countdown to Break

Listening to: Country Music Mix
Feeling: excited
TWO DAYS UNTIL I LEAVE FOR MEXICO!!! Omg, you have no idea how excited I am lol, I'll be somewhere that's warm and NOT HERE - without my parents too! Haha, I'm so ready, I've been packed since this weekend, minus a few things I still need like my toothbrush and glasses, and some things I still need to wash, like socks lol. I am out of clean socks. This weekend was pretty great, went to Jake's on Friday where we all just hung out and watched movies. I kinda wanted to go to the dance, but Alex didn't because he has a cold, so whatever I guess, it's not like I would have had anyone to talk to other than him, since Sam and Monica are now best friends and neither are really talking to me. School's never been so fun. But let's not dwell on that, either eventually she gets over whatever's pissing her off and starts talking again or she doens't, nothing I can do. Anyways...I don't remember what I did Saturday lol...oh yeah! We went to Ashley's concert - Alex, Mindy, Jake and I, which was pretty cool...I loved her song with Ryan. We had to leave before it was done which sucked, but when we got back we watched TV in my attic lol. My sister had a movie night, so I couldn't go in the basement, although we scared the shit out of them (they were watching scary movies) by going to the basement windows and banging on them. Haha, yes, I am evil. My parents were watching TV in teh living room and my dad's like, just go to the attic/exercise room and watch it up there, just turn the heat on and you'll be fine...except the carpet's not comfy and there are no chairs. Whatever, we had fun anyways. I have not kissed my boyfriend in over a week...he won't let me lol. He doesn't want me to be sick over my break, which is sweet of him, but he's coming over tomorrow night to say goodbye and whatnot, and I'm getting a kiss damnit, I won't see him for 10 days. I'm also going to TC tomorrow AM (at like frickin 6:30AM) because my sister has an ortho appt - she's getting braces haha! - and I want to go shopping, I think I will while they're at Sarya's. Wait...doesn't the mall not open until 10:00? I'll have to check that out, son of a bitch it's 10:00....whatever, I'm not really missing anything until 4th block, which starts when - 12:30 about. Okay, no big. I have to go to JC Penney because when I bought a pair of shorts they forgot to take off the damn ink tag (retards) and something else (ooo secrets haha!), AE to get some sunglasses I saw before, and Borders to get some books (duh). Well....I have a scholarship essay to write, and Senior Project to edit and revise, so I'm out for now...see everyone at RHS tomorrow!!
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