Christmas and Break

Feeling: unlucky
How was everyone's holiday? Mine wasn't too bad, actually pretty damn good for my family. X-mas Eve my aunt, uncle, and 2 cousins came to our house for my dad's family celebration; my other two aunts and their families were gone, one to Aruba, and the other staying in Connecticut with her step-kids and husband's family. It was ok, we just played around on the computers, played pool, ate food, etc. Exchanged presents and then they went home. Christmas AM was our family time, my sister came in at 7:00AM but it took her 30 min to convince me to get up lol, because my ass does not want to be awake that early when I don't have to (who does?!). So yeah, unwrapped presents from "Santa" and my parents and sister and gave them mine. No arguing or anything, impressive for us; my dad even made us breakfast. I layed around, showered and started reading my new books, then we went to my cousin Loretta's for my mom's family X-mas. Not that bad I guess, they got a ping pong table and a PS2, so the kids were occupied and I read my book and listened to my music. Ate dinner, exchanged gifts, sat around and talked, then went home. About it lol. I got great presents, and everyone seemed happy with what I got them, which worries me, because I'm sometimes bad at remembering what people want. I got the suade coat and mittens I told my dad about when we went shopping, the Narnia series (also a kick ass movie - seen it twice), clothes, lotion and body wash, earrings, and 3 gift cards to Borders, and one to Hot Topic and also Best Buy, which I used to get a shirt and belt, the DVD of the Labyrinth, headphones, the Bell Jar, OK Go CD, and a little black book lol, right Sam? Haha it was great. Today we went to TC, where I spent my gift cards lol, obviously, there's no where here I could have. Sam went with me, my mom, and Megan and Rebecca. Steve and Jake and Char met us there and we wandered around for awhile. Fun, mostly. Went to see Narnia again tonight, with Sam, Dan, Megan and Rebecca. Saw Mr. P. and a bunch of Megan's friends. Invited Phil, but he wasn't able to go, and Steve and Jake were supposed to come over, but Steve was "tired". Meaning I don't know, probably that he just wanted to be lazy; he said we could go to the movie THERE, but we wanted to see frickin Narnia, not whatever's in HL. His first excuse was that Jake needed to go to bed because he was up late last night, but they could have been back around 9:30-9:45, so that didn't work, plus Char already said it was ok, then he was too tired to drive over here, BUT, not too tired to drop Jake at my house, take Sam back to his house, then drive all the way back to get Jake and drop off Sam. I honestly don't know what his problem is, he was just being an absolute dick, so...whatever, sometimes I jsut want to fucking punch him in the face, Sam hasn't seen him since Thursday, and she wanted to talk to him and stuff, and I want to see Jake before he goes back to Dale's, and he doesn't care, or if he does, he's doing an excellant job of hiding it. Whatever, Fuck Him. He will not ruin my break, and if Sam didn't want to see him, he wouldn't be coming with us on New Year's, he could sit at home and rot for I care...if we go somewhere at all haha. Speaking of which...New Year's plans anyone?? Going to a party? Where? Lol, I really do NOT want to spend another fucking New Year's Eve at my house with my sister, while my parents are with their friends and I watch TV eating chips. It's sad and boring, so....yup I'm gonna try my hardest to avoid that. Weeellll, I'm off to better things, or just ending this entry because I'm out of things to say. Have fun guys....see you all next Tuesday.
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You can do what im doin on new years.... U wanna work at glen's til 10 lol? *sigh*
Well good luck with plan making.
*Shoots self in head*

hey. i might be going to boyne if u wanna meet me up there, im not sure yet tho.