
Orientation was as good as it was gonna get. I expected beaurocratic bullshit and they delivered.
I found it to be a large waste of time that I happened to get payed for. I mean they gave me a stack of papers and pretty much read them for me and thats what took the 4 hours because people are stupid and ill-educated and don't understand simple contracts. Whats funny is that it was an almost identical stack of papers kfc gave me when I was hired there. The only difference is that they gave them to me and said fill it out. Walmart held my hand the whole time aswell as 50 other people's hands and made it seem harder than it really was. Then they made me watch an info-video about walmart and i think its just a machine to hypnotize people so I tried not to pay too much attention. From what I barely absorbed it was about how Walmart is there for you in anyway and will find some way to make things comfortable like if you're suicidal or your marriage is in trouble or if you're in debt. I was kinda scared by it because it was like that scene in 1984 with the Big Brother's 30 seconds of hate.
Well anyways my first day is in a month from yesterday.
Until then I'm your favorite frycook.

D'oh! I just remembered I was supposed to go back there and give them a second form of ID today. I'll try and get them tomorrow or else I'll forever be your favorite frycook.

Read 17 comments
what do you mean?
your welcome :P
Haha but what if I was? :P and this is all just a clever ruse.
Mwah ha ha ha! now I know your weakness :P
and who said you weren't capable of sympathy? :P
Haha thats kind of a lousy protest, "I hate this job... yes I'll finish moping the kitchen first"
always fun to get paid to listen to people sit & waffle about. long as the pay's decent, anyhow. =P
take care (=
Haha what do you subvertly plant mysteriously highlighted classifieds around KFC?
ewww did you at least get paid?
Awh that sucks :P
but hey its just once right?

so hows fry cookin going?

Mhm I guess mine isn't much better, what with the whole tendency to rot your teeth. lol I'm a dentist best friend.
Really? my soul would definitely taste like marsh mellow.
Yumm soul
But isn't the curiosity killing you?

lol I'm still searching for a song I heard on the radio a week ago.
Yeah but those songs stick out like sore thumbs, every time they come up on my playlist I always think man I got to delete them.
Ew orientation vid sounds freaky. That had one of those at Food Lion I did my best to avert my eyes. Seems like it could've gone worse though, I mean at least they didn't advise you on how to smile, creepy fuckin food lion.