Carnie Incarnate

Well last week I found out that my greatgrandparents on my father's side were carnival folk. Yup Im a decendant of geeks(live chicken eaters), freaks, and Ferris wheel operaters. What a great family history. I bet our family crest is a candy apple and a tattered admisions ticket. i kinda forgot to mention this all week. Im not ashamed of my "heritage". It just slipped my mind. This does explain my fascination with the abnormal. Ohwell i now know how my family got through The Depression. Cheap thrills and sideshows. Hey its better than working in a factory. Ohwell enough about that. I feel like im on a creative fix today. Im almost done writing my new song Bloodivide and ive been told its kickass. Well all you folks enjoy the weekend and turn to your left to puke. Fuck the Living
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