Er Football Game

There was a football game tonite and I went. I heard we got our asses kicked..agian haha when i say i heard i mean i didnt watch it cause i was busy fucking around with my friends. We got yelled at by the cops a couple of times. and some lame ass administrators threatened us. Stupid Fucks what if I didnt got to your gayass highschool. Stupid cocksmokers. Anyway me and tim, youll know him soon, like moshed 2/3 the time we were there. Then cause we're such fatasses we got tired and started slowmoshing. Dont ask. then we started laughing at a stupid inside joke thats only funny if you know the tim we know. Haha crazy pothead. Lets just say when he arrived at the game he reaked of Ozzfest. If youve ever been to ozzfest youll know what smell im talking about. Bryan and Beth hungout but Tim kept ruining theyre moments of peace. Haha. John mclaine had to walk home atfirst but the chick he likes gave him a lift. Ah a perfect night topped off with pizza at my house.
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Sounds like you had a good time. Didn't watch the moshing, but the leap frog game was hilarious. Glad you cheered up.
really? I wasn't paying attention most of the time