Going to an Acapella show tonight

should be cool. Its been awhile since i've had something to do on a friday. I'll probably add a partII to this after I get back. Stay tuned. Update: So the acapella show was really cool. I forgot to mention that the whole thing was hippie stylized so like everyone had tai-dye on and headbands. The singing was really good. I mean when was the last time you heard "All That She Wants" by Ace of Bass sung by 15 people haha. My friend Jen did awesome singing this one song that I can't seem to remember the title. After the show me, tim, my friend preston, and jen went to this afterparty which was pretty much like every other college party at UD but it was cool. Met some cool people, one of which said i look like the son from the Go Phone with MeatLoaf. I've heard worse comparisons haha. But yeah avoided drinking and waited till like 1 to drive home. On my way back a VW beetle had the odacity to fly past me at 85 miles per hour when I was going like 60. Needless to say I blew him away and an 8th of a tank of gas. Sure it was a stupid thing to do but this guy was wearing a crocodile dundee hat and driving a bright blue bug. We played a game of cat and mouse alittle more until I stopped at a red light while he blew through it and continued going at like 95 mph. That "victory" pretty much climaxed the night so I'm ready for the gay work day ahead of me in about oh 4 hours. Adventure completed.
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Thanks that really means a lot to me, hopefully everyone else will feel the same or at least mind their own business. I talked to him very briefly, and he did admit that he was wrong and agreed we just shouldn't be around each other. So hopefully it will all work out. I'm glad your show thing was good lol and the beetle chase is pretty hilarious. Keep writing :P