Fail To See The Anguish In YOUR Eyes

Its been two weeks and I've been to 2 parties. Only got drunk at the first one. The first was at the Brutal Pad which was awesome and was ALOT more than I expected. Felt like my friendship actually means something to people. I swear, next year, I will personally make sure to make all their birthdays just as awesome. The second one, suprisingly, was because Logan invited me and Tim to it. It was at some apartment with a bunch of people who we didn't know but logan did but they were real cool. One of em still sticks in my mind. It was this one chick who was seriously ultra-anti-social with anyone who walked up to her or even talked to her and threatened each of them with being thrown off the fucking balcony but somehow found me tim and logan really cool haha. Even after i insulted her favorite football team (The Eagles who she was hardcore about) she still thought I was a cool dude. But anyways I digress. Apparently me and Logan are on good terms again. In all honesty he is a better dude now that hes out of highschool. But hey so am I. Work is pretty much work. Good and bad moments but mostly good. Deep-frying biscuits and selling them to unknowing people, water-glove fights, lid shrinky-dinks, reminising about old tales of almost-abductions. And that just happened tonight hahaha. I feel a new urge to try and woo the girl I've had a crush on for almost a year. Hey I may be a relationship vulture but I can't help it that all the good girls are taken >:D But seriously I click with her on alot of levels while her boyfriend just depresses her. So basically things are still good. Like I told Tim, I don't need an Easy Button because my life already is one :P
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way to suddenly have WAY more motivation than me. Glad yourlifes takenaturn for the crazy, you seemed to need it.