wiggers are gay

wiggers are the dumbest pieces of shit that the non-existant god has ever come up with. they act black, wear pink shirts and fake bling, and hate eminem even though hes the reason they started dressing and acting like they do. they are the biggest hipocrits next to me and my friends who hate you all yet love to give you pain. if i could kill myself to stop the wigger population i would. they are an embarassment to all selfrepecting white people. i not saying im racist im saying that i hate when people act like someone else and not what they are. I once heard a wigger say "If I was white I'd kill myself yo". Dumbass motherfucking posers.
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high, your diary is cool. i was wondering if you could help me, please. i dont know how to get a background picture, if you could please help me. my email address is immuredzephyr79@yahoo.com or you can comment back on my diary. thanks so much.

i don't really like watching wrestling but it's ok. why do you ask?

and i do like to listen to music. your diary has music on it or what? for some reason my computer at home freezes every time i try to look at your diary lol. cheap computer. so, right now i'm at school and checking it out.

anyway i just thought i'd leave a comment back.

dayum straight son, ya heeeeard meh?!?!?!
*shoots self*
Jesus loves you! =)