Donnie Darko

Well i finally got done watching donnie darko. everyone says that i have to watch it more than once. im not so sure of that. Going through it once i have no unanswered questions and everything makes sense. Supposedly the deepest minded people have trouble understanding it but i dont feel like ive left anything disclosed. Everyone may think Im lying and saying this just to make myself sound more openminded than everyone esle but im not saying that at all. If you think i should watch it again then maybe i should but not tonite because iget bored watching a movie more than once in one day. Anyone else get the feel like Frank was God? Was the whole thing just to test Donnie willingnes to sacrifice himself for others? Was the book that his teacher was lecturing the class about just a predetermined schedule to what would happen or was he just reinacting it? Ooh the wonders of overanalyzing a movie
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Your diary is kickass...riah lee