Stars On Your Burning Flag

Yesterday i did something terrible but i fixed it today and now everyones happy. Its basically on a needs-to-know basis but its over now so basically noone needs to know. Im am SOOOO SOORRRRRYYY though. Ozzfest is in 2 days. Logan and Josh are coming with me. Its gonan be awesome. Ive explained its magnitude before so i wont dive into detail. My faith in Marilyn Manson has been restored today. Hopefulyl he puts another Holywood or better yet another Antichrist Superstar. But that is in years to come so it better be worth the wait. With my whole days worth of moping i actually mutated josh's original rif he tought me into a slower darker tone and i think its better that way but ill have to hear his opinion tmrw night. Bloodivide- more divided and bloodier than ever
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hey i like ur background and u seem pretty kool so ya
Becca A.K.A Obvious
did you write that dead cell thingy?
I really wanna hear the "mutation" of my riff tomorrow. I have the final version of that song recorded w/synths for you to hear, so I hope we can work it in there with my song and incorporate it into it.
okay i was just wondering cuz its awsome
Have a good time at Ozzfest. Love you.
I'll see you at Ozzfest.
hm...ozzfest..i was gunna go w/ my friends bro..but i guess im not...are u int o like rob zombie and all that....the devils rejects and such?