We Hate Love! We Love Hate!

Well another day, another week, another problem. I cant seem to get the hang of the chords for just the first 6 notes of the dopeshow. I keep wanting to pull the string than hold it down. Even though this is my first time trying it Im having little improvement. Ohwell atleast Im better off than paul who has to use pens as drumsticks and doesnt even have a drumset. I cant help but think thats sad. We are really poor. I doubt we'll even get to start playing. My faith has gone dry so deal with it. PAUL GET A JOB! I HAVENT SEEN YOU EVEN TRY GETTING A JOB SO HURRY UP! Anyway Beth told me her idea for a movie she has and i think its kickass. Cant tell you cause you fucks have no ideas of your own whatsoever. I cant believe people last year laughed at it. Oh well not everyone appreciates a work of art when they see one. Beth, keep it up. Its a good plot. Anyway my also poor friend tim has joined this retarded assembly of whiners. Hes from Cecil County. Haha hes a gothic redneck. Also his diary is 6sic6 so feel free to welcome him to shitDiary. My kickass poem is still kickass. The only one who didnt like it was justin. Meh oh well i dont really take his opinions seriously anyway. Cause theyre usually wrong. Kyle is feeling lonely cause noone hangs out with him anymore. Hmm thats kinda sad but if you know him the way we do he can SOMETIMES get out of control. Well I hope he gets over his depression. Well thats my news for today. Feel free to comment.
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The Dope Show might be a challenging first song to play. Did you get the guitar tabs for it or are you using the bass ones on guitar? Anyway if it's too difficult try Pink Floyd's another brick in the wall bass line on the guitar on the second string from the top its 0-2-3-2-0 over and over agian. I know it's not the kind of music that you're trying to play, but i can't think of any other easy songs.