The Year Of Two St. Patrich Day's

Feeling: bleh
Although the real date is supposed to be tomorrow.. er today since its now almost 2 am, saturday was also st patrichs day because The Pope tested out his magic septer to see how much power he had and actually moved a holiday. Way to go Ratzinger. If you tell people that St. Patrich's day is happening two days they're bound to get more fucked up than usual. Tuesday is gonna be one bad hangover for the world. Anyway, enough national news. I am seriously thinking about moving out soon. That 4 days of my own responsibility was awesome. Even when it was fucking me up every now and then but everyone experiences bad days in life. I realised my mom is trying to keep me stuck in her home forever like Kathy Bates in Misery although i doubt she'd shatter my ankles. But yeah sure rent will be a struggle, as well as food but I need to be tested. I'm 19 and I'm being treated like I'm 12. It needs to be fixed. Speaking of fixed, I'm getting a broken iBook for free from my buddy Stu-man. All I got to do is replace the keyboard and screen. Thats only about $70. We'll see how that pans out.
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Haha yeah I know what you mean. I'm the same way I end up privatizing or deleting entries because they just aren't who I am anymore. Yeah I just want to distance myself from the whole high school scene as possible. I don't know if I would call myself an adult... its like this weird time in between, you know, its like this time when your treated like a child, but expected to act like an adult.
Do you know the pope changed st. Patrick's day?
Haha true true.
I just kept thinking, of all the audacity. Does he really think he can change a holiday? That is a good point, celebrating both would be pretty sweet. Haha I like drinking every now and then, but not much either. Who doesn't love getting drunk on their birthday lol.