Oh It Would Be Nice

So friday I'm pretty sure I'm gonna go do my driving test. I've heard from tons of people that its really easy so thats a small confidence booster. And since I won't have my mother in the car with me I'm sure I'll be more relaxed than ever. I swear she makes me hold up traffic by making me go 5 miles under the speed limit. Isn't rule #1 not to disturb the flow of traffic? But yeah still in need of practice before the test. I'm alright with most things except knowing all the right of way situations and 3 point turn and [cringe] parallel park. I'm getting better at parking but I want to really make sure I master that. I mean its only what your car is doing the other 50% of its existance, correct? Speaking of cars, yesterday me and my mom were coming into odessa and saw this nice red cammaro. We got home called the number on the for sale sign and the guy will sell it to us for $2200. Its a good deal considering its in good shape for a '95. Right now in my head that car is already mine. I just have to take out a loan and in like 6 to 7 months I'll have it paid off. I'm hoping less but my paycheck doesn't allow much to live off of. Especially with my cig addiction that i seriously need to cut back on. Oh how I miss the old days when I could make a pack last 3 days or more. Lets see whatelse... oh yeah i forgot to mention that this Friday is also the first friday night off I've gotten since I started working again. It pretty much made my month. Gotta find something to do for fun that night. And to end on an awesome note, Spring is here as of 4 days ago. Goodbye winter and your 3 months of gloom.
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I've heard about it briefly but I didn't know what it was about. It sounds interesting though, although I think the blairwitch style is a little played out. I'm excited to see how it will turn out.
Stangely enough the slower you go at first it seems the less likely you'll speed later on, that might just be me though. Which is good since cops are staked out everywhere these days. Good luck on the license and car!