Barbwire Noose

Yesterday John told me that Bryan had said shit about Slayer and Judas Priest in the past. He said that Slayer was for pussies and that Judas Priest was full of queers. Thats fucked up. Judas Priest only has one queer and one child molester. Get it straight. Since both of us were the only ones who knew about it, by the end of the day the whole metal community knew about it. Its like an old fashioned witch hunt now. No pun intended. He got pissed at me and john because we were "lying". Yeah whatever. You think that just out of nowhere one day we'd just make this up. I dont think so. Pretty much everyone is now calling him a poser and have no respect for him. Spme people exact words were: Jenn said "Fuck bryan hes gay", another person said "He needs to stop throwing temper tantrums. What is he, 5?" and it gets worse with what some have said but im keeping their identities secret so i dont get my ass kicked. Im just watching the train wreck from the sidelines because Bryans always pissed at me so theres no point in getting involved. Fuck that and fuck everything else. John isnt afraid of fighting him if it comes to that but he hopes it doesnt because he doesnt want to make it that big of a deal. Too bad noone else will drop it. Im pretty sure that this issue will stand until something bigger happens. But really, what could get more bigger and more controversial than this? I think Sam knows but she doesnt want the spotlight again. Well i guess thats all my shit-talking-head has for you today. Fuck the Immune.
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yea im passing my spotlight on to someone else. -Sam