Further From God

Finally, after months of trying, I have logged onto the new nine inch nails remix website. So many people log onto it that is almost a lottery to see if you can make it. There are infinite free downloads of unreleased material from trent himself and are easily handed over. It has stuff I've looked on Limewire for almost a year and never found. Also there are a bunch of fan remixes and luckily they've already been pre-sorted so its easy to find the actually good ones. I have a feeling all trent's stuff is gonna come out through this site. No more cds, no more Best Buy, no more anything and it'll be awesome. In other news, my diet is going good. Occasional real food while most of the time just bottled water and mildly disgusting/sastifying Slim Fast. Also playing Super Mario on my DS is curbing cigarette desires. So basically = Things Are Good
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kudos to you. I want a ds so bad. I like wario touched. My uncle offered to mod one if i bought it so i could have all the games for it for free but I haven't gotten around to it yet.