More Nicole

Feeling: loving
... Linsey woak up at about 4:00 in tha morning and saw that I wasn't at her side and bowing to her feet, but that I wuz wrapped up with Nicole in a loving embrace. She wuz fuckin pissed!!! For a while she tried to get me to come back to her by sliding closer beside me and by other little things like that. But it wuz so weard! I completly ignored her!!! I had never dreamed that I could do that! I mean because I love her like I love Megan Brisendine!!! I've said many times before that she is my new Megan. But I actually fuckin ignored her! That's how I know I realy llove Nicole! I stayed with her the whole time. I think Nicole was shocked too because she asked me if I wanted her to hide the letter from Linsey because she would get pissed off and I said, "I don't care if she sees it or not". Lated on that night Linsey said, "I can't believe you!", I said, "What?", and shew said,"I juzt can't believe you!". That waz the last thing she said to me. Don't get me wrong I still love her with all my heart! It's juzt deffently not in the way that I love Nicole!!! They left at 9:00 that morning. Neither Nicole or I had got any sleep the whole night. Nicole didn't want to leave but Linsey convinced her to go. Nicole hugged me and told me that she loves me and bye. Linsey didn't even look at me when she walked out the door. It kind of hurt my feelings, but not that much because now I have Nicole! I love her soooo.... much!!!
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