Bla Bla Bla

Feeling: alone
Bla, Bla, Bla...Bitch and Moan! Nobody cares so I don't either. Why tha hell does no one ever leave me comments anymore??? Oh well I guess I'm juzt that much more of a fuckin looser now...I don't care though. I'm fuckin determined to loose weight! I weigh like 145 now...must be thinner!!! I can't help it I still eat...trying to catch anerexia is hard lol...but I'm taking a shit load of weight loosing pills everyday (Trimspa). Anymawayz, enough about and James are realy together now. It wuz funny as hell...and kinda weard too...James, chris, Matt, and I, all skipped school Thursday and wen't swimming in this place all out in nowhere...then we all got necked and juzt sat around lol....I am so for real. I know those of you who know me will not believe that we didn't do anything...but we realy didn't...that would have been fun though!!! Then we went to get food and found Casey cheeting on Josh again...I don't know if she knows that we caught her...but I think she does...then I they took me home and Papa was parked down there so they didn't get to come in....but I left my books so they had to bring them back to me, they met Louie and James talked to now yea!!!!!!! James is comming over tomorrow. I love him!!! I found out something about one of my friends.....I can't say what or who...but it is so fuckin hot info!!! So sexy!!!!! So heares to you big wide world out me hate me whatever tha fuck! I'm going to be me no matter what... ps...I cut my hair looks realy least I think so.-long in front and short in back-
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Cool beans I think you're hair sounds sexy. Sorry I haven't been commenting. ANywho, don't worry about his mom, she understands. Same thing happened with me when I was dating him.
