
Feeling: placid
Okay...first of all this anominous person, who ever tha hell you are you can juzt go to hell because obviously you don't know a damn thing about me anyway. And Beth I am verry hurt that you would say something like that to me, when you don't realy know the situation either. Okay first of all my baby is still in my stomach and I haven't done one God damn thing to hurt my child! I've stopped smoaking Newports, weed, quit drinking, and quit cutting. Not to mintion the fact that I've been working my ass off on planning what to do about my careere when I have my baby. No one has the right to say those things to people. All that your trying to do is prove that your better than somebody. I've had a hard fuckin life and I believe that I have the right to be hurt and pissed off about how Kenndal is treating me and our child, when all I've ever done to him is good! So once again fuck everybody! You have no right to try to hurt me like that. I've been planning my whole life to have this child so that I won't fuck it up like my parents have fucked my life up. I am a damn good mother already God dament! So everybody juzt watch who your trying to put down!
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become a veggie person, save animals from death
i know i just like writing that to sound lke a tree hugger,lol,i do not see how peole can nt eat meat i mean don't u like have to eat it to grow bones,comment me back