Listening to: New Found Glory
Feeling: blasphemous
Yo yo! I felt all sooo special..good lord I have SIX COMMENTS! you know how GREAT that is for me? hehe but yea I was like WOW! I'M LUVED! haha but like the current mood I have? isn't it great? I don't even know what it MEANS but its a cool ass word..I'm goin to have to find out what exactly it means..anyone want to comment on this and tell me? I would be ur bestest friend in da whole wide world..well after Mr. Duckie and Mr. Quackie(my ducky stuffed animals) no one can out do them..well Friskie can too..hehe Friskie is my kitty! but she's been infested with fleas so she looks like a wet dog from the spray stuff but oh well she still my kitty and I luv her so yea I went and got my hair trimmed today and I was planning to go to buisnesses for the whole ad thingys but I didn't have a "sales pitch" or "game plan" so yea that kinda sucked but we went to this mexican restaurant and for me hating steak the way they had it on tha nachos I got was DAMN GOOD! and then I had the churros for dessert and good lawd that was heaven! its been too long for me having them and they gave me WHIPPED CREAM with them and I was like HELL YEA and I ate all the whipped cream first and then we went to Walgreens and got me a new phone since my other one 'died' in the really bad storm that one day and I picked up my hair dye so I can re-dye it and get rid of my bad roots and yea then we came home and my mom said she was gonna take me to X-men 2 later on tonight so I was like REALLY? cause I had rented the first one a week ago haha sorry me hasn't seen it until today cause I thought it would be stupid..but it wasn't at ALL..gawd I LOVED it and I can't wait till seeing the second one tonight..I think I may actually buy them both on DVD when they come out..I'm gonna have to tell Marisa since she's all big on that stuff and she'll be happy to hear bout my wonderful new love for the movie..woo hoo! so yea I am dreading tomorrow cause John and Nick come back but they are giving me 25 bucks each from the 200 bucks worth of coins that my dad gave to them and then I already have 22 bucks in bills and 25.90 in change so I'm gonna go to coinstar later and get it in bills so then I'll have all this money for my Less than Jake and The Starting Line CD and maybe Janes Addiction but don't know cause I need to buy some eyeliner(maybe) but I really do need a new purse and some more lip gloss and get rid of my old ones..DAMN IT! I need to go work..but yea I typed a lot and I still need to go do my blurty thingy..haha I love having more then one online journal stuff..but I'm out all! much luv!
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blasphemous...dude i love that word, though i don't have the slightest clue to what it is!