Ah..14 times and still lovin' it.

Feeling: awestruck
'Don't do anything stupid!' Ah, last thing I heard on the screen..-faints-Oh, let's just say I would be the happiest most ecstatic person if I was to ever meet Johnny Depp and if it shall ever be possible, meeting Jack Sparrow..now that I'm done all my damn fantasies that many of you already know.. So today..was spent like any other Saturday..I got woke up at 9 because some damn idiot brothers of mine decided to bounce a wall on my wall since my room is right next to John's..then I sat on my ass and then around 6ish I went to blockbuster to get Edward Scissorhands but AGAIN, they didn't have it and so I rented head of state and Anger Management instead and then we went to chick-fil-a and I bought myself my own food which is damn well worth it..and tomorrow my days will be spent cleaning my room and then doing biology stuff before tuesday and then studying for geometry exam too so I can be SURE to get out of that class with a passing grade..GAHHHHH! I'm boring again...YAY! Oh fuck. I'm going to go watch all the special features on my POTC discs..all NINETEEN FUCKIN HOURS OF IT!! Bwahaha. -bows- Have a good fucking weekend everyone and YESH! I am insane and hell I'm not no kid and you should be GLAD you don't live with me because I seem to be driving everyone else insane around here... POTC quote for the entry of the day..::.. 'She's safe just like I promised, your about to die for her just like you promised and she's all set to marry Norrington just like she promised. So we're all men of our word really, except for Elizabeth, who is in fact, a woman.' Now I'm sure some of that is wrong..BUT BOO FRICKITY WHO!
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If you don't care what we say about you why do you keep writing about what we say in your entry?lol! Stop writing about us if u don't care make sence?